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"A Highland Seer".  Tea-Cup Reading (1921).  review  •   html   •   epub   •   mobi

Brown, Ruth.
Practical Tarot for the 21st Century (2023)   html  •   epub    •   mobi

Brown, Ruth.
A Spiritual Guide to Planetary Transformation (2023)  
html     epub   •   mobi

Cupology (1904).   review  •   html  •   epub  •   mobi

The Enchiridion (1750).  html   •   epub   •   mobi

Principle Doctrines (1925).  html   •   epub   •   mobi

Ficke, Arthur Davison and Witter Bynner.  Spectra (1916).  review  •  html  •   epub  •    mobi 

Goddard, Dwight. A Buddhist Bible (1932).   html  •   epub  •    mobi 

Hung, Tzu-ch'eng.  Musings of a Chinese Vegetarian (1926).   review  •  html  •   epub  •    mobi  

Mercer, J. Edward.  Nature Mysticism (1913).     review  •  html  •   epub  •    mobi   

Merrill, Stuart. Petits Poèmes d'Automne (1895).  review  •  html  •   epub  •    mobi 

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Letters to a Young Poet (1943).
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How to Read the Crystal, or Crystal and Seer (1922).  review   •   html   •   epub   •   mobi

Second Sight (1912).  review    •   html   •   epub   •   mobi

Shorthouse, J. Henry, ed. Golden Thoughts from the Spiritual Guide of Miguel Molinos (1883). html  •   epub  •    mobi  

Staveley, Lilian.  The Golden Fountain (1919).  html   •   epub   •   mobi

Staveley, Lilian.  
The Prodigal Returns (1921).  html   •   epub    •   mobi

Staveley, Lilian.  
The Romance of the Soul (1920).  html   •   epub   •   mobi

Temple, Sir William.  
Upon the Gardens of Epicurus; Or Gardening in the Year 1685 (1690; reprinted 1908).  html  •   epub  •   mobi 

Underhill, Evelyn.  Practical Mysticism (1915).   review   •   html   •   epub   •   mobi

Zeller, Eduard. 
The Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics (1892).  review   •   html   •   epub    •   mobi  

You can never get a cup of tea large
enough or a book long enough
to suit me.
--C.S. Lewis